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Sections: Climate | Factcheck sites | MSM, Main international magazines | Magazines | NGOs | Other sites


350.org Australia

ABC News: Climate Change
Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis
Australian Energy Market Commission
Australian Energy Market Operator
Australian Energy Regulator
Australian Government Climate Change
Australian Security Leaders Climate Group

BBC News: Science & Environment
Beyond Zero Emissions
Blue Sky
Breakthrough – The National Centre for Climate Restoration

The Carbon Brief
Clean Energy Council
Clean Technica
Climate 200
Climate Accountability Institute
Climate Action Tracker
Climate & Capitalism
Climate and Health Alliance
Climate Ark
The Climate Brink
Climate Central
Climate Change Authority
Climate Commission (archived as at 13 September 2013)
Climate Council
Climate Crisis Advisory Group
Climate Emergency Forum Videos
Climate Home News
Climate Institute
Climate Litigation Data Bases
The Climate Mobilization
Climate News Network
Climate Reality Project, Australia
Climate Signals
Climate Uncensored
CO2List.org: Information on Daily Sources of CO2
CO₂RE: The Greenhouse Gas Removal Hub
Cockatoo Chronicles (Paul Gilding)
Council for the Human Future
Covering climate now
The Crucial Years
CSIRO Climate Change
The Cryosphere Today

The Daily Climate
Deutsche Welle: Environment
Doug Craig’s Blog: Climate of Change

Energy Daily
Energy Security Board
Energy Source & Distribution
EPA (US Environment Protection Agency) Climate Change

Foundation for Climate Restoration

German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU)
Global Carbon Project
Green Institute
Griffith Climate Change Response Program
The Guardian: Climate Change

Huffpost: Climate Change

IEA (International Energy Association)
IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development)
The Independent: Climate Change
Inside Climate News
Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA)

James Hansen
Jonathon Porritt
Just have a think
Just stop oil

Kevin Anderson

Moyers and company: climate change

NASA: Global Climate Change
The New Climate Economy
New Scientist: Climate Change
NOAA: ClimateWatch Magazine
NSIDC: Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis
NSIDC: Icelights – Your Burning Questions About Ice and Climate

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Renewable Energy World
Rewiring Australia

Rooted (Crikey)

Science Daily Climate News
Solar Action Alliance
Solar Daily
Solar Quotes

This is Climate Change: (Del Mar Global Trust)
Treehugger: Energy
Tyndall Centre

UNFCCC (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change)

Yale environment 360

World Bank Climate Change
World Meteorological Association
World Resources Institute

Factcheck sites

ABC FactCheck

The Conversation

Facts Fight Back

PolitiFact Australia

MSM, Main international magazines

See Links at Club Troppo


Australian Financial Review

BBC News

Brisbane Times

Courier Mail

Deutsche Welle

The Guardian (au)

The Guardian (UK)


The New Daily

Der Spiegel


Aeon Magazine

Critical Inquiry

Dissident Voice

The Free Press


Journal of World Systems Research

London Review of Books

Monthly Review

New Left Review
New Scientist
The New Yorker
The New York Review of Books

Red Pepper

Scientific American




Council for Canadians

Focus on the Global South

Greenpeace International

Oxfam International

The South Centre

Third World Network
Transnational Institute

World Development Movement
World Vision Australia

Other sites

ABC – The Drum
AIM Australian Independent Media Network
Anne Summers
The Australia Institute

The Betoota Advocate
Better Nature: commentary by Geoff Davies
Bill Mitchell – billy blog

Craig Emerson Economics
The Conversation

Ed Media Watch

The Future of Everything (Tim Dunlop)

George Monbiot
The Global Mail
Grattan Institute
The Great Simplification, with Nate Hagens

The Hoopla

Immanuel Wallerstein Commentaries

Independent Australia
Inside Story

Lowy Institute

The King’s Tribune

Laura Tingle

Mark Latham
The Monthly

Naked Capitalism
The New Daily
nef (New Economics Foundation)
New Matilda
No Fibs

Open Democracy

Peter Martin
Project Syndicate

Resolve Political Monitor
Ross Gittins

The Saturday Paper
Save our schools
Steve Keen’s Debtwatch

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Climate change, sustainability, plus sundry other stuff