CHILD safety champions Bruce and Denise Morcombe have warned of an escalating trend of teachers taking up the slack for “diminished” parenting.
To find the article Google Peter Hall and the above sentence.
Leading child psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg said many parents had “dropped the ball’’ with regard to rudimentary child-rearing.
Dr Carr-Gregg said this was the result of being extremely time poor, hesitant to set limits and boundaries for fear of being perceived as a wicked parent and in some cases just not realising their responsibilities. Continue reading Saturday salon 29/10→
are detailed, professionally modelled and far more forward looking and sophisticated than anything so far produced by traditional Australian electricity consultants such as Jacobs, Frontier, IES, Ernst & Young or ACIL Allen.
Leitch, the principal of ITK says in their view:
Australia is being held back, in part, because consultants in Australia provide advice to federal and state governments based on expensive models that are basically out of date. The models don’t, and in fact can’t, take an integrated (whole of system) view.