Andrew Wilson queries why nobody writing or commenting on this blog has raised the issue of the really medieval legislation recently passed in Queensland. One reason is that Mark and I have both had certain distractions which will continue for a little while.
One is the great decluttering project, wherein Mark is consolidating 20 years worth of collected stuff. In simple terms he’s vacating his digs at New Farm at the end of the month and moving back to join us on a temporary basis, which will probably last months rather than weeks. So there has been massive decluttering at his place and ours together with some recluttering of our place.
This is coinciding with the end of university semester in which Mark has a fairly heavy teaching load. The other day, surveying his study, his computer was open revealing that he was in the process of marking 189 assignments. That’s over 60 hours work for one subject!
Earlier tonight after we staggered down the stairs with some book shelves he agreed he didn’t have the head space for blogging right now. Perhaps next week.
I’m fairly busy right now, but my den is being cleaned up for the first time in decades plus the shed has had to be reorganised to accommodate in the first instance about 20 boxes of books. Furniture is being relocated all over the house.
Next Monday my wife and I are flying to Sydney for the wedding of her nephew. A quick trip but it wipes out two days.
So I too have a few distractions. I may be able to squeeze out a bit of writing, but not as much as I’d like.
For those who came in late, I have the privilege of being Mark’s father. And for those who are curious, he’s been calling me “Brian” since he was four years old. One day he just decided that he was too old for this “dad” stuff. I have a policy of avoiding unnecessary arguments, so that’s the way it’s been!
The disturbing thing about our current Queensland legislature – and I accept that we are collectively responsible – is that, with a massive majority and no upper house we have given the LNP open slather to do as they wish, when they wish and with no need to consider community consultation or accountability.
Whilst an upper house or a ‘house of revue’ adds costs to the democratic process it does also provide checks and balances to expose and keep in check the excesses of what is proving to be a very juvenile and vindictive government.
We need an elected House of Revue in Queensland.
I expect you and Mark have already thought of Freecycle, Brian, but I thought I’d drop in the suggestion just in case.
I have recently discovered the joys of decluttering. I think it could become something of an addiction!
I am breathless at the draconian nature of the QLD legislation but haven’t been able to focus my attention on it. A week’s ‘vacation’ in Brisbane in early November will bring home its full enormity.
With such a workload I am amazed that Brian has any time at all for blogging. Happy moving and remember the long, lazy days of Christmas are not too far off.
/rəˈvju/ (say ruh’vyooh)
a form of theatrical entertainment in which recent events, popular fads, etc., are parodied.
/rəˈvju/ (say ruh’vyooh)
a judicial re-examination, as by a higher court, of the decision or proceedings in a case.
I wrote about the Qld laws for Overland. (Apologies for the slightly spammy comment.)
Helen Davidson,
The distinction you draw would normally apply, but next year’s Senate has all the makings of a House of Revue….
I agree, which is why I wondered why Queensland would want one of their own.
Thanks for the reference Robert, it’s a good article. Deserves wider reading!
For non-Queenslanders of a certain generation ‘Queensland laws’ is a cross between an oxymoron and a euphemism – a bit like Queensbury rules (boxing) when cage fighting is the go. Okay I know this is quite unfair and a bit of a hangover from Joh days, and other states are making similar noises. So we’re all waiting for that other ‘power’ to ‘separate’ the bikies and the Campbell Newman gang before we in the south go ahead and commit to follow . But it does appear that your AG is a bit off the old block when it comes to recognising the constitutional separation of powers that made that lost son of the north, Quentin Dempster’s name.
I second Droo, Robert – good article. Apart from the dig at macchiato drinkers!
Robert – I think there’s something wrong with your link – should it be
Helen Davidson: thanks for pointing out what may have been a Freudian slip on my part: agreed,we already have a house of revue we now just need a house of review.
Terry2: I think you could reasonably combine them at the moment. Much of the output of the lower house seems more deserving of satire and ridicule than serious analysis. And anything would be better than what they have now.
Helen @ 2, I hadn’t heard of Freecycle, so thanks for the information.
We’ve just had a kerbside council street collection, where people put out unwanted junk. Not sure what happens elsewhere, but here most of it disappears off the street, sometimes within half an hour.
We have a Salvo’s depot in our suburb and took some items of furniture there the other day. They won’t take anything marked.
We’ve just put stuff out on the footpath with a sign “Please take” and it goes pretty quickly. Similarly there is a big tree in front of Mark’s place where people just put stuff out.
Can’t believe what I’ve done and where I’ve been in the past four days.
We stayed last night in the backpackers’ off The Corso in Manly. The wedding was held on the beach at Q Station and later in function rooms in the old hospital. It was the kind of wedding you’d expect when the bride is a professional events organiser!
Sydney public transport was great. Enjoyed the manly ferry trip there and back. The only annoyance was having to pay to enter the airport.
Tired now!
Happy decluttering, Mark and Brian, hope the garage sale, the move, the unpacking and all went/are going well. Wedding sounded good.
No, no, House of Revue sounds just fine – and no, not today, thank you; we’ve got enough trouble here as it is..
What we really need is a Governor with enough moral courage to chuck bad bills back at dills – where is a Governor like William Bligh (1753~1817) when you really need him? ( Hope I won’t be charged with vice-lese-majeste for this thought).
It rarely if ever does that. I’d prefer to concentrate on getting the processes for candidate selection to parliament improved and likewise, improving the engagement and insight of the voter pool. Oh … and getting rid of state governments.
Agree, Fran Barlow @ 17:
a.. Bad old days in NSW and WA showed that adding another House Of Scoundrels simply increases the number of scoundrels cheating the public.
b.. Preselection is one major flaw in Australian politics.
c.. Another is a conga-line of weak and compliant Governors and Governors-General (alright, Peter Hollingsworth did stand up to John Howard’s shenanegans – but how long did he last after he started that?)
d.. “The States” was a very nasty and enduring collection of booby-traps left behind by our colonial masters as punishment for seeking independence. The sooner they are abolished and replaced by far smaller, more limited and far more effective Provinces or Regions (roughly the size of Queensland’s amalgamated shires) and divided into very local wards, the better off we all will be.